Hamburg – Live Poker 2019

So I was in Hamburg the 3-6 sept 2019. I’ve been to Germany many times but never Hamburg, which is the second biggest city in the country. So it was really fun to experience and the city is definitely really…

Poker trip in Western Europe

Hi there, I just realized I haven’t updated this blog in over 1,5 year. I kind of lost the motivation and I’ve also been busy with many other things. I’ve been focusing a lot on my affiliate business and I…

Affiliate Marketing

I started with affiliate marketing during the summer of 2015 and today it’s my main occupation. It’s a relatively new phenomenon that has exploded during the last 10-15 years thanks to Internet. In this article I aim to run through…

Warsaw – A short trip

I left Sweden the 3 September and flew to Warsaw in Poland. The 5 September I went to Krakow in the south were I lived until 8 October. I didn’t have time to do so many things in Warsaw, but…

First post

Welcome to I’ve wanted to start a blog like this for probably 5-6 years. Before I didn’t have knowledge nor time to make it in a good way, and it was mainly an exciting idea. But now I’ve finally…
