As of the 15th January 2017 I have been able to call myself a digital nomad. I then left a cold Sweden and flew to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam. Digital Nomad is a relatively new phenomenon and in this post I will explain what it is and how my lifestyle looks like.

What is a digital nomad?

As a digital nomad you can work at cafes

The definition is pretty straightforward, it means that you work and make money online and don’t have to live in the same place all the time (location independent).

The most common is to work from a laptop with internet connection, but theoretically you could work only through telephone communication. The point is that your work gives you location independence so you can travel and live anywhere in the world. I personally work with affiliate marketing.

Pros of being a digital nomad

I, personally, only see huge benefits with this lifestyle, for example:

  • You can live in countries that are more cheap than your home country
  • You can have a better standard of living
  • You can choose the climate you like the most
  • You can choose which type of setting and area you want live in, by the beach, in the mountains with skiing, out in the wilderness etc.

To sum it up in one word: Freedom! Most beneficial is it if you originate from a “rich” country because then you probably have a, relatively speaking, good economic situation. If you then move to a cheap country you can have the same standard of living at a lower price. Or why not a better standard to the same price.

It’s even better if you come from a cold country because then you can exchange the cold to a tropical climate, beaches and so on. But everyone’s different and you could also choose to live and work from for example a ski resort if you want.


Some people see disadvantages with everything. The criticism the digital nomad lifestyle sometimes get is the lack of roots, that you don’t have a place to call “your home”. But actually it’s not a disadvantage because you have the freedom to choose. If you want you can anytime stop traveling and settle down somewhere. It’s a choice you have as a digital nomad and I think most people will do it at some point. Digital nomad is probably not something you are your whole life, but rather some years when you’re “young”. But everyone’s different and the best thing according to me is the freedom to choose.

Another drawback can be the inability to have many belongings. When you travel a lot and usually don’t live more than a few months/half a year in the same place you seldom own more than what’s in your suitcase. Furniture or other bulky belongings is an impossibility.

But there’s an easy solution to the problem. Maybe your parents, a relative or a friend has some room in a storage. If not, you can rent a storage on a yearly basis and put your belongings there. But I can really recommend to get rid of as much stuff as possible, life gets more easy and free. I have around 5-6 moving boxes in my moms basement in Sweden, the rest of my belongings fits in my suitcase.

My digital nomad lifestyle

Chilling in Vung Tau
Chilling with an iced coffee after a workday in Vung Tau, Vietnam.

As I mentioned above I started my new life the 15th January 2017 when I flew from Sweden to Vietnam. Then I lived in Vung Tau, a coastal city in the south.

To live by the coast is really amazing, some days me and my friend worked at cafes just by the ocean. It’s hard to get a better view from your office space!

This is what a normal weekday could look like in Vietnam:

  • 07:00-08:00 Wake up, do morning routines.
  • 08:00-12:00 Work. Either at our comfortable office in the apartment or at some cozy coffee shop.
  • 12:00 Lunch. Usually some simple Vietnamese food, price around $1,5 – $2.
  • 12:30-14:30 More work. Perhaps attend a Vietnamese class (it’s a big advantage to know the language here).
  • 14:30-15:30 Go to the beach (the sun is very strong around noon).
  • 16:00-17:00 Gym.
  • 18:00 Dinner. Usually a bit more fancy in the evening, price around $3-$9
  • 19:00 Leisure time. Either chilling at home watching some movie, read a book or doing some activity like bowling, billiards, meet friends or some other fun stuff.

As a digital nomad/self-employed each day never have to be the same. That’s also one of the best things, you can do exactly what you want when you want, you decide the working hours yourself.

The digital nomad lifestyle
Three digital nomads enjoying life in a pool in Vung Tau, Vietnam.

Sweden during the summer

Just like most Swedes I love the Swedish summer. So it was quite natural to live there over the summer. I found a sublet in Gothenburg from June to August, a bit more expensive but still totally worth it.

The only disadvantage of returning to Sweden again is that you’re not used to the prices. Suddenly it’s not as cheap to go to restaurants three times a day… (Sweden is pretty expensive, especially restaurants, alcohol and entertainments).

A digital nomad office in Sweden during summer
My office in Sweden during the summer.

Poland during the autumn

As early as September the Swedish weather can start to get colder. That’s one of the reasons I moved to Poland for about a month, from the 3rd September to the 8th October. First I was a few days in Warsaw and then moved to Krakow in the south. The weather was slightly better than in Sweden and the cost of living lower.

A spartanic office in Krakow
Our spartanic office in Krakow, Poland.

Vietnam during the winter

The 8th October me and my friend flew to Vietnam again. Our last stay was so good that we wanted to do it at least one more time.

Right now we’re living in Saigon, which is a big, fun and crazy city. The traffic is beyond comparison with the Swedish traffic, but strangely enough you get used to it. The bad part with Saigon is the polluted air because of all the traffic and I also miss the ocean and beaches. Because of this we’re moving to Nha Trang in the middle of November which is a popular tourist and seaside city with many great beaches.

Office in Saigon
Our office in Saigon.

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